
October 7, 2019

Wavering is an expected part of a new venture that isn’t yet established. On the rare occasion, seeds of ideas come to us with great certainty and strength. But more frequently, these seeds arrive as slight impressions, faint ideas, or possible roads to take that are anything but clear or certain.

It takes time and exploration to fully embody a new direction, identity, or calling. And the journey to get there can be filled with wondering and second guessing. But these feelings aren’t necessarily signals that we’ve made the wrong choice or are headed the wrong way. They are a normal part of trying on something new.

In the midst of doubts, it can be quite easy to look back fondly at what we’ve left behind, viewing it with rose-colored lenses. We may even forget the reasons that we felt propelled to leave the old behind in the first place, and wonder if we’ve lost our way.

But our instincts are never wrong, even if we have temporary lapses of forgetting. We must look at our doubts with the awareness that they signify we are being stretched and are daring to traverse outside of our comfort zone. We doubt because we are making a courageous attempt to venture somewhere or try something we haven’t before. Our doubting may in fact be the very signal that we are on the cutting edge of our own growth.

With this perspective, we can embrace our wavering without fear and trust that it will get resolved in its own time. We can peacefully coexist with uncertainty, knowing that it won’t remain forever. It is merely a temporary companion on the road to a new evolution.

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